Build a marriage that lasts.

82% of young adults expect to be marriage for life. Most young adults plan on getting married and plan on staying together. Because of the staggering divorce rate, many young adults are motivated to invest in their relationship before it starts because they want to have a strong and lasting marriage. Here is an interesting fact.

Couples are 31% less likely to get divorced if they receive some sort of PRE-MARRIAGE training before their wedding.

With proper premarital counseling, you can learn the valuable tools to navigate through problems that might seem unsolvable and your relationship will become stronger. Investing in your marriage prior to your wedding day will provide long-term value to having the marriage you have always dreamed of having.

Our desire is to see marriages begin in a way that can withstand the storms that will inevitably creep into the marriage. We want to equip marriages to have the resources to be able to navigate the first fight, the argument over finances, and the challenge in communication.


  • Engaged Couples

  • Recently Married Couples


We utilize the SYMBIS Assessment model and are certified facilitators. More than a million couples have used Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS for short) to prepare for lifelong love. We will meet with you for 7 sessions prior to your wedding day. Before our first session together, we will send you an invite by email to take the SYMBIS Assessment. You will complete the 30 minutes assessment individually without discussion to ensure accurate answers. We will use the assessment as a discussion tool during our sessions together.

Having over 20 years of marriage experience and interaction with thousands of couples, we will use real-life examples to mentor you to have the marriage that God intends for you to have.

We DISCUsS the following topics during our sessions TOGETHER.


Your Money Methods

YOUr fight types

Your Love life


Your Talk Styles

Your Deepest Longing


To learn more about PREMARITAL COUNSELING, AVAILABILITY, and pricing, please fill out this form.

we will contact you to schedule a time to talk.

41% of divorced couples say lack of pre-marriage preparation contributed to their divorce.
— SYMBIS Training Facts