We want to help.

Life can become difficult. Life can be exhausting. You might feel overwhelmed.

You begin to ask this question.

There has to be more to life than just this, right?

Don't quit. Don't give up. There is more. There is hope. 

His name is JESUS.

We know this because we have experienced it in our individual lives, our marriage, and our relationship with others. We have put together resources for you to help you on this journey of life. Resources to help answer questions that you might have about Jesus, yourself, or even your marriage.

Jesus tells us that we will have trouble in this life. But your story does not have to end there. 

Take heart. Jesus has overcome the world. 

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

Marriage takes work. 

The white wedding dress and black tuxedos. A cute flower girl and handsome ring bearer. Commitment. Gifts and words of encouragement. Big dreams together. Two simple words started it all. I do.  

These images, thoughts, and emotions often times fade after the honeymoon is over.

The relationship can quickly change to: Fights in the kitchen. I'm tired of living like this. I just want to be happy. I wish I was with someone else. We are roommates more than husband and wife. Shattered dreams. I don't want to be married anymore.

We know this because we have experienced it ourselves and have heard stories of thousands of other couples who have experienced the same. Because of our experience, we are committed to helping marriages before it's too late and you decide to give up. 

Our desire is to see marriages thrive the way that God intended for them to thrive. We have developed a 7-week Marriage Mentoring program where we will partner with you to help you in your marriage. Our desire is to mentor you towards the marriage you have always dreamed about having.

Who is this for?

  • Are you wondering if things will ever get better?

  • Do you find yourself saying, "we are growing apart"?

  • Are you questioning if you would be better off with someone else?

  • Do you continue to fall back into patterns that are destructive within your marriage?

  • Are you looking to improve your marriage?

How do we do this?

We will meet with you for 7 consecutive weeks as we go through the AH Marriage Mentoring program. We break down each week into 5 days of reading and journaling. Each week will consist of a midweek booster which will be an activity to do together…think of it like a midweek date night! Each day consists of scripture reading, a short narrative, and questions to promote conversation and growth within your marriage.

We intentionally designed the program to consist of 5 days during each week to allow time within a 7-day week to complete each day. This will require approximately 20-30 minutes per day without any distractions, 5 days out of the week, for 6 weeks. To experience the program the way that it was designed, this format is important to follow.

You will receive 1 ½ hours per week of two-on-two, face-to-face mentoring. This will be done in-person if you are located in the Kansas City area or via FaceTime or Skype. During this 90-minute session, we will answer questions that surfaced during your daily interaction as well as share our own life experiences to encourage you on your own journey. 

You will receive the following:

  • 7-weeks (90 minutes each week) of two-on-two, face-to-face (in-person or via Facetime/Skype) mentoring from Bryan and Shayla

  • (2) Anguished Hearts Marriage Mentoring Experience Workbooks

  • (2) Anguished Hearts Journals to navigate through the workbook

  • Daily prayer from Bryan and Shayla

  • Learn how to read the Bible together

  • Learn how to pray for each other and together

  • Learn valuable tools and resources to have the marriage that God intended for you to have

  • Learn how to carry on the momentum beyond the 7-week experience

The AH Marriage Mentoring Experience will help you understand how God created husband and wife different but uniquely compatible to do life together as followers of Jesus. This safe environment will create a place for you to share barriers that are keeping you from having a healthy marriage. We will use our knowledge and expertise to help create awareness in your relationship to recognize triggers that are preventing your relationship from being what you desire it to be. We have created a format that will increase your communication, allow for transparent conversations, and ultimately the thriving marriage that God wants for you. 

To learn more about this incredible journey with us and pricing, please fill out this form.

we will contact you to schedule a time to talk.

Marriage is hard. We understand that. However, marriage can be a lot of fun and extremely rewarding. The key is to understand the purpose of marriage.
— Bryan & Shayla

Build a marriage that lasts.

82% of young adults expect to be marriage for life. Most young adults plan on getting married and plan on staying together. Because of the staggering divorce rate, many young adults are motivated to invest in their relationship before it starts because they want to have a strong and lasting marriage. Here is an interesting fact.

Couples are 31% less likely to get divorced if they receive some sort of PRE-MARRIAGE training before their wedding.

With proper premarital counseling, you can learn the valuable tools to navigate through problems that might seem unsolvable and your relationship will become stronger. Investing in your marriage prior to your wedding day will provide long-term value to having the marriage you have always dreamed of having.

Our desire is to see marriages begin in a way that can withstand the storms that will inevitably creep into the marriage. We want to equip marriages to have the resources to be able to navigate the first fight, the argument over finances, and the challenge in communication.


  • Engaged Couples

  • Recently Married Couples


We utilize the SYMBIS Assessment model and are certified facilitators. More than a million couples have used Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS for short) to prepare for lifelong love. We will meet with you for 7 sessions prior to your wedding day. Before our first session together, we will send you an invite by email to take the SYMBIS Assessment. You will complete the 30 minutes assessment individually without discussion to ensure accurate answers. We will use the assessment as a discussion tool during our sessions together.

Having over 20 years of marriage experience and interaction with thousands of couples, we will use real-life examples to mentor you to have the marriage that God intends for you to have.

We DISCUsS the following topics during our sessions TOGETHER.


Your Money Methods

YOUr fight types

Your Love life


Your Talk Styles

Your Deepest Longing


To learn more about PREMARITAL COUNSELING, AVAILABILITY, and pricing, please fill out this form.

we will contact you to schedule a time to talk.

41% of divorced couples say lack of pre-marriage preparation contributed to their divorce.
— SYMBIS Training Facts

The Bible is life-changing.

The Bible can be very intimidating. The Bible can seem overwhelming.

Where do I start? How much do I read? What do I do after I read?

We have answered these questions for you and have made it easy to not feel intimidated. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

We believe that all scripture is God-breathed and that lives are transformed when reading the Bible. We believe this because we have experienced it and will continue to experience it.

In our story, we began scripture reading and journaling together while separated and living in separate houses. It was during this time that we fell in love with Jesus and our hearts began to soften towards God and towards each other. Healing and hope followed and we rebuilt the marriage we have today on God’s word. He restored what was broken.

We have created the C.A.P. model to help jumpstart your desire to read the Bible in a powerful and impactful way. 


Choose a verse from the reading that spoke to you and write it down. If more than one spoke to you during the reading, right down more than one.


Apply the scripture to your life. How does this verse apply to a current situation that you are going through? How did the verse provide hope to you? How did the verse challenge you?


Write out a prayer asking God to help you use this verse in your life. 

Here's an example.

C 2 Timothy 3:16-17 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

A – This passage speaks to me because it gives an overall picture of why scripture reading is so important. It teaches me. It convicts me. It corrects me. It helps me train in righteousness to be more like Jesus. I must continue to read the Bible to hear the Holy Spirit and follow what God has called me to be. Reading the Bible prepares me and equips more for my purpose.

P – Father, I thank you for the Bible. I thank you for providing a road map for my life so I can continue to pursue you to have a relationship with you. I pray that the words continue to speak to my heart. I pray for a continued desire to read the Bible consistently out of desire, not obligation.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

There is no right or wrong way to journal. There is no template or format that you must follow. We are simply providing this tool as a resource for you so you have a place to start.


We want to give you our 33-day reading plan for FREE. here are the first 5 days to get you started:

JOHN 3:16-18[the gospel]

1 Corinthians 13:4-8[love]

Psalm 23[hope]

Exodus 20:3-7[loving god]

luke 15:11-24[welcome home]




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This is the same 33-day reading plan that we read while separated.

The readings are short but designed to get you engaged with reading the Bible to let the words come alive and off the pages and into your heart.

If you are married, we encourage you to read the scriptures together, write your own journal entry, and share your thoughts with each other. We are confident that you will have amazing conversations.


We have journals available for purchase to help you.

A simple 15-minute time in God’s word on a consistent basis is life changing!

Anguished Hearts Journal

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

What the Bible says about you.

Satan wants to fill our minds and hearts with fear, deceit, and doubt.

We must not give in to these lies.

We want to give you a valuable resource that we have used for years within our own journey.

This 3-step process takes the lies of the devil and speaks the truth of Jesus.

What you think or feel about yourself is often not what scripture says or how Jesus feels. Use this resource as a way to speak truth back into your life. 


I am unworthy and unacceptable.

I am alone.

I feel like a failure and inadequate.

I have no confidence.

I feel responsible for my life.

what is true about me

God has accepted me. 

God is always with me. 

God gives me adequacy.

God makes me bold and confident.

God is responsible and faithful to me.


To download the entire list of 29 statements and the 33-day reading plan for free, Join our mailing list and stay up to date on what is happening within the AH community.

Stay connected to us and join the AH community!

* indicates required

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

John 10:10

There is no shame in getting help.

Too often we feel that we can get through the struggles on our own. We continue to battle the voices within. We convince ourselves that things will get better. We try to make it another day without admitting we can't. 

THIS IS where counseling can help. YOu don't have to do this alone.

Finding a trained counselor that you can trust is a huge step in making strides to overcome events that have taken place in your life. We have partnered with two counselors that we know and trust that can help you with whatever circumstance you find yourself.

SOUL Matters Counseling

Karen Mees

9601 NE Barry Road, Suite 201

Kansas City, MO 64158




Grace Counseling

Jerry purviance

4900 North Norton Avenue

Kansas City, MO 64119




Counseling sessions provided someone in the trenches with us as we worked through some ugly things that were destroying our marriage. It was a vital piece to our healing.
— Bryan & Shayla