Jeremy Riddle

4018 Days of Sobriety.

4018 Days of Sobriety.

Today will always be a day of celebration. January 30th will forever by the day that my life changed. The day that my marriage changed. The day that generations would be changed.

January 30th, 2008 is the day that I took my last drink of alcohol. 

The Silent Drug.

The Silent Drug.


It’s only three words but with these few words, a line is drawn in the sand.

You are not asking the question, “you don’t drink what?”. You know exactly what I mean when I say these three words.

The Other Side Of An Addiction.

The Other Side Of An Addiction.

Evenings out with friends were always enjoyable, fun, and filled with laughter. The night might have included our favorite karaoke bar, restaurant, or just a night alone. Wherever we were, alcohol was involved.

I'm an ALCOHOLIC. But today, I'm 8 years SOBER.

I'm an ALCOHOLIC. But today, I'm 8 years SOBER.

I'm an alcoholic. I remember my first drink. It was the spring of 1998. I have always been a rule follower so I never drank alcohol before I was 21. But I was now 21 and what the heck; I will give it a try. It was a Coors Light.